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Garden Route National Park - Western Cape

The Storm's River Bridge in the Garden Route National Park  © Anagoria, License

Garden Route National Park - Western Cape

The Garden Route National Park, established in 2009, is one of South Africa’s most diverse and ecologically significant protected areas. The park was created by merging several existing conservation areas, including the Tsitsikamma National Park, the Wilderness National Park, and the Knysna National Lake Area, along with several smaller nature reserves. This unification was part of a broader conservation strategy to protect the unique biodiversity and scenic landscapes of the Garden Route region.

The park stretches along the southern coast of South Africa, covering over 1,210 square kilometers, and it is characterized by its incredible diversity of ecosystems. These include indigenous forests, fynbos, wetlands, rivers, and marine environments. The area is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, some of which are endemic to the region. The park also boasts several historic sites and cultural landmarks, reflecting the rich human history of the area.

The Garden Route National Park is a major attraction for tourists, offering a range of outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, canoeing, and whale watching. Its creation marked a significant achievement in South African conservation efforts, ensuring the long-term preservation of one of the country’s most beautiful and ecologically important regions.

The park stretches along the scenic Garden Route, from Storms River in the east to George in the west, offering a variety of landscapes, from ancient forests to rugged coastlines. It’s a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, with numerous hiking trails, including the famous Otter Trail, which offers breathtaking views of the coastline. The park is also home to several rivers, lakes, and estuaries, making it a paradise for water-based activities such as canoeing, kayaking, and fishing.

Interesting things about the Garden Route National Park:

1. Otter Trail: One of South Africa's most iconic hiking trails, the Otter Trail covers 42 kilometers along the coast, taking hikers through pristine forests, across rivers, and along rugged cliffs with spectacular ocean views. It's a challenging but rewarding trek, requiring advance bookings due to its popularity.

2. Storms River Mouth: A major attraction in the Tsitsikamma section, the Storms River Mouth offers visitors the chance to walk across a suspension bridge that spans the river, providing dramatic views of the river gorge and the Indian Ocean. The area is also popular for kayaking and snorkeling.

3. Knysna Forest: The Knysna section of the park is home to the largest remaining portion of Southern Afrotemperate forest in South Africa. These ancient forests are rich in biodiversity, with towering yellowwood trees, vibrant birdlife, and the elusive Knysna elephants, which are a rare sight.

4. Wilderness Lakes: The Wilderness area is characterized by a series of interconnected lakes and rivers that provide a tranquil setting for birdwatching, canoeing, and boating. The lakes are home to a variety of waterbirds, including the iconic African fish eagle.

5. Marine Life: The coastal areas of the park are part of a Marine Protected Area, offering excellent opportunities for snorkeling, diving, and exploring tide pools. The waters are rich in marine life, including dolphins, seals, and occasionally, whales during the migration season.

6. Big Tree: In the Tsitsikamma section, the Big Tree is an enormous 800-year-old yellowwood tree standing 36.6 meters tall, with a circumference of around 9 meters. It's a popular stop for visitors who wish to marvel at its sheer size and ancient presence.

The Garden Route National Park is not just a natural wonder but also a place of cultural significance, with a history that includes the indigenous Khoisan people and early European settlers. Its combination of natural beauty, biodiversity, and outdoor activities makes it a must-visit destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers.

Contact Details for the Garden Route National Park:

Garden Route National Park (SANParks Head Office)
Address:Thesen Island, Knysna, 6570, Western Cape, South Africa
Phone: +27 (0)44 302 5600



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