Come celebrate Spring with the Magoebaskloof Spring Festival this September!
The misty mountains of Magoebaskloof are an ideal long-weekend destination in Spring.
This environment is ideal for Japanese flowering cherries, maples, crabapples and azaleas. Superb specimens of these plants are found in Sequoia, Kuhestan and Cheerio gardens. All three gardens will be open to visitors toward the end of September and into October. Stroll through their gardens and lose yourself in colour and atmosphere.
Haenertsburg Village will kick off Spring with a beer festival in the Village hall, genenerally in September.
A craft fair continues through the long weekend in September. A variety of high-quality local art and craft will be on display, as well as eats, with something available for the whole family. Plants will also be on display and on sale: talk to some of the local experts, who are all passionate about what they grow. It ends off with a celebration of heritage day- braai, music and the works.
For accommodation, book early to get a spot in the quaint village of Haenertsburg, or explore some gems in the surrounding areas.
For those looking for some adrenaline, there are a variety of mountain bike trails (maps available from the Tin Roof shop), birding destinations (particularly in the indigenous forests), a trip to Canopy tours and the Spring Run at Blueberry heights (date to be confirmed).
Going indigenous, there are guided walks through the endangered grassland, which is also beautiful at this time of the year. It led by members of the grassland (Frohg) group, who point out the amazing plants in the grassland. One can also explore one of many hikes in the region, or meet new friends on a group hike with Sandi Moore’s Hike Tribe.
Haenertsburg is nestled in the Magoebaskloof Mountains, offering stunning natural scenery, including mountain vistas, forests, waterfalls, and rivers. Visitors can enjoy hiking, picnicking, and scenic drives to take in the views.
Ontsnap na die betowerende Haenertsburg in Limpopo, 'n versteekte juweel skuil in die Magoebaskloofberge waar jy Woodmere Lodge sal vind wat 'n 14 slaapplek, ruim en goed ingerigte selfsorghuis bied omring deur inheemse reënwoude en dennewoude. …sien meer vir besprekings / navrae en inligting.
Zwakala River Retreat is geleë op 'n plaas in privaat besit in die pragtige Magoebaskloofberge, net noord van Haenertsburg in die Limpopo-provinsie. Ons verskeidenheid akkommodasie sluit knus selfsorgkothuise, 'n gastehuis en 'n privaat kamp... …sien meer vir besprekings / navrae en inligting.
Cheerio Trout Fishing Lodge (slaap van 28 - 33) bied 'n selfsorg-ontvlugting in die pragtige Cheeriovallei naby Haenertsburg, in die Magoebaskloof-omgewing, tussen Polokwane en Tzaneen en is 'n uitstekende oornagplek na die Krugerwildtuin... …sien meer vir besprekings / navrae en inligting.
Glenogle Farm bied 2 selfsorgkothuise in die bergagtige area Magoebaskloof in die Limpopo-provinsie. (Slaap 4 en slaap 2). Geleë tussen Haenertsburg en Tzaneen, weggesteek tussen die denneplantasies in die pragtige bergagtige area... …sien meer vir besprekings / navrae en inligting.
Boskiep 2 bied selfsorgwoonstelverblyf in Tzaneen, in die Limpopo-provinsie. (Slaapplek vir 6). Boskiep 2 is 'n gerieflike oornag- of vakansiebasis, 'n bekostigbare selfsorgwoonstel vir sakereisigers, verkoopsverteenwoordigers, toeriste, ouers... …sien meer vir besprekings / navrae en inligting.