The Johannesburg Stadium is a versatile, multi-purpose sports facility located in the Ellis Park World of Sports Precinct in Doornfontein, Johannesburg. Primarily used for athletics, soccer, and rugby, it is a key venue within this well-known sports hub that also includes Ellis Park Stadium, home to major rugby events, and other sports facilities.
History: The stadium was originally constructed in the early 1990s to serve as a venue for large sporting events, particularly athletics and football. Its initial design was intended to complement the neighboring Ellis Park Stadium, creating a comprehensive sports complex that could accommodate various national and international events.
While the Johannesburg Stadium primarily caters to athletics, it has also hosted numerous other events over the years, including football matches and concerts. In the early 2000s, it was a popular venue for both local and international artists, attracting large audiences due to its size and central location in Johannesburg.
The stadium has seating capacity for 37,500 spectators, making it one of the larger venues in Johannesburg. It has been used for important events such as athletics meets, community events, and, from time to time, overflow events from Ellis Park.
Venue Use:
Athletics: The Johannesburg Stadium is primarily designed for athletics and has hosted numerous national track and field championships. The facility is equipped with a standard 400-meter track and various field event areas, making it suitable for a wide range of athletic competitions.
Football & Rugby: The stadium has also been used for football and rugby matches, serving as an alternative venue to the adjacent Ellis Park Stadium now called Emirates Airline Park when needed.
Concerts & Events: In addition to sports, Johannesburg Stadium has been used for concerts, political rallies, and community events. Its large seating capacity and central location make it a popular choice for large gatherings.
Contact Details:
Address: 124 Van Beek Street, Doornfontein, Johannesburg, 2094
Telephone: +27 11 402 2960
The Johannesburg Stadium, with its prime location and flexible design, continues to be an essential venue in Johannesburg’s sporting landscape, providing facilities for a variety of events and contributing to the city's rich sports heritage.
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