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Taung Heritage Site - North West

The Taung Heritage Site is of enormous scientific importance as it was at these limestone diggings at the old Buxton quarry in 1924 that the lime encrusted skull of a child was unearthed. (Image adapted). © Taung Skull WHS
The Taung Heritage Site and the Blue Pools are located to the West of the village of Taung at the Buxton Quarry. (Image adapted). © Taung Skull WHS

Taung Heritage Site - North West

The Taung Heritage Site is situated just to the West of the village of Taung at the Buxton Quarry in the North West province. Here visitors will find the enourmously important Taung Heritage Site and the beautiful Blue Pools. Taung is an African word meaning the place of the lion and it was named after Tau, the chief of the Bataung people.

The Taung Heritage Site is of enormous scientific importance as it was at these limestone diggings at the old Buxton quarry in 1924 that the lime encrusted skull of a child was unearthed. The Australian anthropologist, Professor Raymond Dart, who discovered the skull belonging to an early hominid, named it Australopithecus africanus meaning the southern ape of Africa. The Taung Heritage Site is dedicated to the discovery of this skull. The discovery of the childs skull at the Buxton Quarry was heralded as one of the most significant archaeological events of the time and caused an enormous amount of discussion, both in support of, and against the scientific classification given by Dr Raymond Dart. The find effectively advanced the evidence of the existence of early man in Africa by more than a million years, leading many scientists to believe that the origin of early man was indeed initiated on the African continent.

A monument to the discovery is at the site and an old mine tunnel has been opened for exploration. The main aspect of this is a monument in the shape of a plinth, from which there is a picturesque view of the valley below, including the Buxton Village. It is probably best to explore under the supervision of a guide who can point out the 18 fossil sites and caves in the area. The Buxton quarry, which is no longer being mined, remains an important scientific research site and is also a place of great peace and tranquillity.

But the Taung site is not only of archaeological importance. From the limestone cliffs at the head of the valley, a constant flow of clear water flows through a succession of attractive pools (the Blue Pools) on its way down to this ancient valley. The azure Blue Pools are surrounded by picturesque caves and streams. This is a popular hiking, abseiling and picnic venue.

Taung is situated about 48km from Vryburg on the R49 to Warrenton. The Taung Heritage Site and the Blue Pools are located to the West of the village of Taung at the Buxton Quarry. At the Taung crossroad, turn to the west for 4km then left to Pampierstad for 6,5km then right for 3,8km to the Buxton quarry. Indicator boards will lead you to the gates.

Contact details for the Taung Heritage Site:
Phone: +27 (0)53 994 9400
Email: see website
Address: Taung Heritage Site, Taung, North West Province, South Africa.

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