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Coleford Nature Reserve

Coleford Nature Reserve

The Coleford Nature Reserve covers about 1300 ha, mostly consisting of hilly grass steppe and swamp. The nature reserve is located in the Southern Drakensberg region of KwaZulu Natal, just south of Underberg in the Coleford Valley with the Ndwana River as its southern boundary.

Coleford serves an excellent destination from which to explore the nearby uKhahlamba-Drakensberg World Heritage Park, providing easy access to the Ngoangoana Gate. The area was once a stronghold for armed bandits, cattle rustlers, renegades and gun runners, and was labelled as a "a veritable no-man's land" which was uninviting to early settlers and not even inhabited by the natives.

Today the pristine and untouched Coleford Valley offers visitors a variety of pleasant outdoor activities which include facilities for tennis and croquet, birding, scenic hiking and horse trails through the abundance of aloes and proteas, and excellent trout fishing. The Coleford Nature Reserve is also home an interesting variety of game, and bird species which include the endangered Wattle Crane and the White Winged Flufftail, and for keen birders there is even a small hide from which to view them. black wildebeest, hartebeest, blesbuck, oribi and southern reedbuck can also be found in the reserve.

The Coleford Nature Reserve is well known as a top notch trout fishing destination, with the Ingwangwane and Ndwana rivers providing excellent sport during trout season, as well as four dams, which are well stocked in summer. A provincial license and daily angling permit are required, both obtainable from the camp office. The rivers also offer visitors extra delight, in the form of excellent tubing during the warmer months.

Accommodation is is offered, in a hutted camp with six rest huts, five bungalows and two cottages. There are also a number of picnic sites situated at the river opposite Sunnyside. Fires are prohibited, and visitors are reminded that all refuse must be taken back to the camp for disposal.

For more information regarding the Coleford Nature Reserve contact KwaZulu Wildlife or Senior Ranger, PO Box 128, Underberg 4590, or call (033) 712 2140

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