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Indaba - Inkosi Albert Luthuli Convention Centre, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal © Pixabay


Indaba is one of the largest tourism marketing events in Africa, and one of the top three must see events globally.

Indaba showcases the widest variety of Southern Africa's best tourism products and services and also attracts international visitors and media from around the world. Indaba is organized by Kagiso Exhibitions and Events and is owned by South African Tourism.

Indaba is held in Durban at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli Convention Centre formally the Durban International Convention Centre (ICC).

Visitor profiles include : Adventure Travel, Business Travel Agencies, Conference Organizers, Consulting Companies, Ground Handlers, Group Travel Agencies, Incentive Agencies, Marketing Services, Online Travel, Retail Travel Agencies, Sports Tourism Eco Tourism and Tour Operators.

Indaba is covered by local and international media via radio, television, newspapers and dedicated travel publications.

The Stands at Indaba get judged from the faculty of Marketing, Tourism and Interior Design of the Durban University of Technology and are given awards, the winners will be contacted by the organizers which are Kagiso Exhibitions. There are Platinum, Gold and Silver awards given to each category which are : Outdoor, Provinces/ Regional, Tour Operators, Accommodation, Allied Industries, Transportation, SADC Region and Sponsorship.


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