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KwaMagwaza Mission Station

KwaMagwaza Mission Station

KwaMagwaza Mission Station also known as the place of tall trees, is located about ten kilometers south west of Melmoth. The mission station was established in 1860 on land granted by Zulu ruler Mpande, by the late Reverend Robert Robertson. Bishop Wilkonson later operated the mission. The mission has been destroyed and rebuilt twice since it was originally constructed. During the Anglo-Zulu war the station was destroyed and re-established only to be destroyed again in 1884 during civil disturbances in Zululand. The complex was expanded in 1907, and was used as a hostel for orphans, a high school, a teacher's training centre and the Saint Elizabeth's College of Nursing. In 1959 Bishop Tom Savage ordered the buildings to be renovated, and used as a conference centre called KwanZimela.

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