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Richards Bay Minerals

Meerensee - Richards Bay, Zululand & Maputaland, KwaZulu Natal © candiru, Copyright

Richards Bay Minerals

Mining company Richards Bay Minerals produces roughly 1,9-million tons of product annually, of which 95% is exported.

The company contributes almost a quarter of the global market in titiania, slag, rutile, high-purity pig iron, and zircon. Back when the company was formed, it embarked on a dune rehabilitation programme, which, it claims, has received worldwide recognition. Research conducted by independent scientists has concluded that a fully functional coastal dune forest ecosystem is being restored through this programme.

Richards Bay Minerals offers visitors three comprehensive tours of its plant where their mining techniques and their ecological endeavors are demonstrated. The first is a social investment tour, the second a general interest tour and lastly, an environmental tour that shows how RBM is contributing to sustainable development, and gives visitors an overview of the company's operations. Tours are usually conducted on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and a period of two week's notice is essential for bookings. Tel (035) 9013444.

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