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Entumeni Nature Reserve

Entumeni Nature Reserve

The Entumeni forest was established as a nature reserve in 1970, and lies about fifteen kilometers south of Eshowe. The reserve covers a total area of seven hundred and fifty hectares and consists largely of a forested gorge and a number of large grasslands. Due to the fact that Entumeni forest is situated at a slightly higher altitude than the nearby, well known Dlinza forest, the reserves is home to a few more species. The reserve has two trails, the the terrain is steep and walking is advised for the fit only. Both trails begin at the picnic site in the forest. The uPiti Trail is a circular trail and taking roughly two hours to complete. The four hour long Ukhozi Trail takes hikers through scenic surroundings but the un-level terrain makes for tiring walking.

The midpoint of the Ukhozi trail is at a magnificent waterfall on the Ngoje stream. This area often provides sightings of rare Longtailed Wagtails, which frequent the stream. Overall the reserve is an excellent bird watching destination with species such as Brown Robin, Yellow-streaked Bulbul, Delegorgues Pigeon, Grey Cuckoo shrike, Black Cuckoo and Olive Woodpecker. Like the Dlinza Forest, both bushbuck and blue duiker are found in the Entumeni forest. Two pairs of Crowned Eagles are also often seen and heard soaring over the forest. The reserves grassland are home to a herd of Zebra, as well as a variety of grassland species including Croaking Cisticola.

The grasslands in the reserve are home to a herd of zebra, and numerous grassland bird species such as the Lazy Cisticola, Red backed Mannikin and African Firefinch. This forest's canopy is massive, and consistis of trees such as the Giant Umzimbeet, Wild Plum and Flatcrowns. These giants of the forest protect the numerous colonies of plants such as Cycads and Clivias on the forest floor, by offering shade. A rare the Miller's Tiger moth, which was previously thought to be extinct, was recently found in the grasslands of the Entumeni Forest.

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