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Bushman's Nek - Drakensberg

Bushman's Nek - Drakensberg

Bushman's Nek is located in the southern most section of the KwaZulu Natal Drakensberg, and also marks the end of the Giant's Cup Hiking Trail. The Giant's Cup Hiking Trail is a sixty eight kilometer long path which takes hikers through indigenous forest, mountain grassland, and extremely steep terrain, providing awe inspiring views of the mountains.

The wildlife which inhabits the Bushmans Nek Wilderness area is varied, and includes reedbuck, grey rhebok, eland, oribi and klipspringer, as well as porcupine dassie or rock hyrax. Jackal buzzard and black eagle have also been regularly sighted soaring over the area. The streams are stocked with trout for fly fishing enthusiasts, and fishing is also permitted at the small dam owned by the Bushman's Nek Hotel.

Bushman's Nek also provides travelers with access to Sehlabathebe National Park in Lesotho and to a number of various wilderness areas popular with hikers and overnight campers. There is a border post located just within the park for those wishing to enter into Lesotho. Unfortunately there are no overnight facilities at Bushman's Nek, but there are hotels and campsites nearby.

A popular attraction in the area is the Bushman's Cave, which is most easily accessed via the Bushman's River from the Bushman's Nek Border Post. The river valley displayed here is one of the most picturesque and unspoilt in the berg, and there are many pools for visitors to swim in along the way. A passport is nor necessary to hike in the region unless one wishes to enter Lesotho via the official border post located near the Sehlabathebe National Park. The climb from Bushman's Cave into Lesotho via Ngwangwane Pass is considered as the easiest of all the climbs in the Natal Drakensberg.

The cave is north facing, and provides striking views of Ngwangwe Peak and Walker's Peak. Bushman's Cave is a tiny cave, situated under a fairly narrow overhang, and has a level floor and a suitable cooking area. Although the cave is said to be capable of accommodating twelve people, a more practical limit of eight is recommended, due to poor protection from hard rain. The cave experiences both the morning and afternoon sun, resulting in very warm conditions in summer months. High stone walls provide protection from the strong winds of the valley. The cave
provides reasonable comfort, although the sleeping areas are pretty small and rather rugged. The Bushman's cave has a reliable water supply all year round, fed by a stream about twenty five meters from the cave.

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