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    1/11 - The Lazy Daisy - self catering in St Helena Bay
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    2/11 - Sunrise - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
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    3/11 - Flower season Aug and Sept - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
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    4/11 - The Lofty Daisy - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
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    5/11 - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
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    6/11 - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
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    7/11 - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
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    8/11 - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
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    9/11 - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
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    10/11 - Pet friendly - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
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    11/11 - St Helena Bay - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
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*Vanaf R995
Per eenheid per nag
*Tariewe kan verskil volgens seisoen/aantal mense
Ondersoek Beskikbaarheid + Tariewe + Maak Bespreking Beskikbaarheidskalender English
Ligging & Kontak Besonderhede
Adres:14 Vasco da Gama Drive, St Helena Bay, Western Cape, South Africa

Bladsy Statistieke
14846 besigtings sedert 28 Apr, 2016.
Laas opgedateer op 05 Apr, 2024.
First year listed on

The Lazy Daisies offers 4 self catering apartments in the popular holiday town of St Helena Bay on the Cape's West Coast.

From it's lofty position on top of the hill on the peninsula, The Lazy Daisies affords you the unique opportunity to enjoy both the sunrise and the sunset over the Atlantic Ocean. Cast your gaze east and you have views of the Cederberg mountains, or west over the shimmering white village of Paternoster and the Columbine lighthouse, with endless ocean views in between.

With absolute serenity and infinite skies, it is impossible not to find peace and total relaxation in this haven.

The Lazy Daisy is a spacious luxury studio for one couple (king bed) with a self-contained kitchen, contemporary wet-room, and a separate toilet - fringed by a large private deck overlooking the bay and the mountains. The kitchen is fully equipped with a fridge/freezer, oven, microwave, kettle, toaster and ice-maker. Uncapped wifi is available.

Approximately 150 km from Cape Town, The Lazy Daisies is perfectly situated to offer a base from which to explore the delights of the West Coast and the Swartland. Easy day trips include Langebaan, Paternoster, Darling and Riebeek Kasteel, offering kite-surfing, fine dining, wine, olive and beer tasting or a game safari. Or simply put your feet up and soak in the view from your pillow!

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Bladsy Statistieke
14846 besigtings sedert 28 Apr, 2016.
Laas opgedateer op 05 Apr, 2024.
First year listed on

Beskikbaarheids kalender

The Lazy Daisies
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  • 1 of 11
    1/11 - The Lazy Daisy - self catering in St Helena Bay
  • 2 of 11
    2/11 - Sunrise - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
  • 3 of 11
    3/11 - Flower season Aug and Sept - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
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    4/11 - The Lofty Daisy - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
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    5/11 - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
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    6/11 - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
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    7/11 - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
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    8/11 - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
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    9/11 - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
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    10/11 - Pet friendly - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay
  • 11 of 11
    11/11 - St Helena Bay - The Lazy Daisy self catering in St Helena Bay




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