Winter Special | Winter Promo Valid from 5 May 2025 to 31 Aug 2025. | Take advantage of the 2025 WINTER PROMOEnjoy a sun-soaked holiday where time stands still and relaxation with the dogs on the beach is on the agenda. Book in advance to secure your Holiday!! Pay only R 1 350.00 per Night - saving R 300.00 per night! ** To qualify for the special rate, a minimum of 3 nights stay is required. ** The PROMO is valid only during the following dates: 5-31 May / 1-12 June / 17-27 June / 21-31 July / 1-31 August 2025. ** A Breakage Deposit of R 2 000.00 is Payable (Refundable). ** A maximum occupancy at all times of 4 people, no additional guests allowed at the unit - we do not allow any parties / loud music. |
**Information / Rates may change without prior notice** 2025 Rates: Rates per Night for the entire apartment.
HOUSE RULES **May change without prior notice** ** By accepting this quotation / invoice, you agree to adhere to all terms of use of the property. ** General: Unit Details: Sea-side Spa Maximum Guests Staying Over: 4 People. We do not allow blow-up mattresses for additional guests. No Day Visitors at Apartment. We do not allow any parties at the unit – no boom boxes (big speakers) / loud music allowed. Non-compliance of this shall lead to eviction with no refund of rent. Please be respectful and considerate towards other guests and our neighbours. An additional Cleaning Fee of R 1 000.00 may be charged if the apartment is left in an unacceptable condition. Towels: Cleaning Service: Breakage / Damage Deposit: Kindly note that we request a Breakage / Damage Deposit of R 2 000.00. Breakage Deposit of R 2 000.00 will be refunded within a maximum of 3 days after departure via EFT, providing that there are no breakages or damages, and the apartment is left in a good condition. All damages including damage to linen and furniture / goods within the apartment will be charged, should this be required. Guests will be notified by the owners of any damage / breakages telephonically. Should the damage exceed the amount of R 2 000.00, the guest will be personally liable for the total amount and must be settled within 48 hours directly to Salt Rock Sands. If required (claiming from an Insurer), a letter will be issued that may be used to claim from your insurer afterwards. We do not accept insurance settlements. Pet Policy: Sea-side Spa welcome all dog breeds. Pet Policy: General All dogs are welcome and must be healthy and free of ticks / fleas. Dogs are not allowed on the furniture or beds. Dogs sleep inside – please bring own beds, bedding and bowls. The unit’s linen may not be used for dogs (In the event of excessive dog hair on linen, guest will be charged an additional fee to have the linen cleaned). Dogs are not to be left inside the apartment when guests go out – no exceptions. Non-compliance of this shall lead to a penalty of R 1 000.00. Should damage exceed the amount of R 1 000.00, the guest will be liable for the total amount. The unit has a secure garden. We request that guests leave pets in the garden area when not at the unit. We request that pets are not left alone at the unit for 90 mins or longer a day. We request that pets are not alone from 21h00 at night at the unit. We aim to give all guests a comfortable holiday experience. We welcome guests with and without pets. We request that guests with pets please consider guests without pets (i.e. continuous barking / crying – especially early morning / late at night). Should pets be unsettled at any time of the day (continuous crying / barking), the owner will be notified. Pet owners will be required to promptly address any complaints made by fellow guests or neighbours regarding noise or any other such disturbance that may be caused by the pet/s. We request that pets waste will be cleaned and will be disposed of by their owners in secured disposable bags. At all times, the guest must clean on a daily basis, maintain and keep the property in a good and sanitary condition and before checking out. We pride ourselves in being one of the most luxurious pet friendly accommodation destinations on the KZN coast. It is our aim to give every customer the perfect experience. We highly discourage pets marking their territory inside the unit. A specialised cleaning service may be acquired on your account, should the need arise. Cancellation Policy: Refer to Cancellation Policy Cancellation Policy: In the event of a Cancellation / Date Change, the following will apply:
Cancellation Policy: In the event of changes to an Existing Booking (less number of days), the following will apply:
Tariewe is onderhewig aan verandering sonder kennisgewing.
Terme van betaling |
Prys gekwoteer vir die eenheid per nag en sluit linne en handdoeke in maar sluit strandhanddoeke uit. Breekskadedeposito: R 1 000.00 breekskade deposito word benodig en sal terug betaal word binne 3 werksdae na vertrek op voorwaarde dat daar geen probleme in en om die woonstel is nie en dat die woonstel in ‘n goeie toestand gelaat is. |
Aankoms En Vertrek Tye |
Aankoms:na 14h00 en voor 19h00. Vertrek teen 10h00. Dagbesoekers aan die perseel moet nie later as 22h00 op dag van aankoms vertrek nie. |
Reëls/Voorwaardes |
Maksimum Gaste : 4 Mense. Maksimum Dagbesoekers: 4 Mense. Streng geen rook toegelaat in die woonstel. Fasiliteite word heeltemal op eie risiko gebruik. Salt Rock Sands, Bestuur en Eienaars (J & C du Toit) aanvaar geen verantwoordelikheid vir enige verlies, diefstal, skade of beserings op die persee niel. |