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*Vanaf R1150
Per eenheid per nag
*Tariewe kan verskil volgens seisoen/aantal mense
Wys Tariewe Gas resensies English
Ligging & Kontak Besonderhede
Adres:Addo Elephant National Park, Eastern Cape
Tel  :+27-12-4289111
Fax  :+27 (0) 12 422 2816
Cell  :+27-82-2339111

Bladsy Statistieke
7284 besigtings sedert 28 Oct, 2015.
Laas opgedateer op 11 Jan, 2017.
First year listed on

For a secluded experience in a magical forest, spend some time at Narina Bush Camp at the foot of the Zuurberg Mountains and on the banks of the Wit River.

Visitors can access the bush camp - situated 25 km (about a 45 minute drive) away from the Addo Rest Camp on gravel roads - by car, hiking trail or horse trail. For a horse trail, bookings must be made with the Addo Game Drive Office. Guests should arrive at least two hours before sunset as there is no electricity in the camp. The camp is accessed by crossing a river bridge and walking about 500m through the forest. Please bring your own torch. Bookings are made through Central Reservations.

Please note that Narina Bush Camp is not situated in the Big Five area of the park and no large wildlife species occur here. Narina offers a tranquil getaway in a forest rich with birdlife. Smaller species such as duiker, bushbuck and bushpig do occur in the area.

Five things to seek

Narina trogon
Forest weaver
Tree dassie 
Blue duiker
Cape clawless otter

Four tents with beds provide accommodation for eight people with a camp kitchen (gas fridge and gas stove), hot water shower (paraffin-powered) and flush toilet. Bedding, towels, cutlery, crockery and cooking utensils are provided. There is no electricity and lights in the camp are solar-powered.
The camp is booked as one unit per visitor group.
Visitors must check in at Addo main camp reception before proceeding to the camp to arrive at well before sunset for visibility.
Visitors access the Bush Camp via a 500m path from the parking lot over a small wooden bridge and through the forest.


The following facilities are available at Narina:

There is an open camp kitchen with gas-powered fridge and stove.
There is one paraffin-powered shower and toilet in the camp.
Bedding, towels, cutlery, crockery and cooking utensils are provided.
There is no electricity and lights in the camp are solar-powered.
Visitors access the Bushcamp via a 500m path from the parking lot over a small wooden bridge and through the forest.
Visitors must check in at Addo main camp reception before proceeding to the camp to arrive at well before sunset for visibility.

How to get there

Directions from Addo Main Camp

Turn left out of the Park and travel towards the town of Addo on the R335.

After about 1km, turn right onto the Zuurberg Pass (continuation of R335) which becomes a gravel road. Turn left at the first road, signposted Narina Bush Camp.

Follow the road, then take the right fork, signposted “Narina Bush Camp”. Follow the gravel road, eventually crossing a small bridge and take the left fork.

Proceed through several gates until you see the turn off to Narina Bush Camp on your right. Here there is a small parking lot where you can leave your vehicle and walk across the bridge and through the forest for about 500m to reach the bush camp.

Directions from Port Elizabeth (PE)

Take the N2 highway towards Grahamstown. Take the turnoff to the left signposted “Motherwell” and “Addo Elephant National Park”. Turn left at the top of the off-ramp and proceed through Motherwell. Follow this road until you see the entrance to the park on the right. Distance PE to park - about 72km.

Office & Gate Hours

Main Camp Reception is open from 07:00 to 19:00 daily. Guests need to check in at main camp reception before proceeding to Narina Bush Camp.
Main gate: Open 07:00 Close: 19:00


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    Bladsy Statistieke
    7284 besigtings sedert 28 Oct, 2015.
    Laas opgedateer op 11 Jan, 2017.
    First year listed on

    Beskikbaarheids kalender

    Narina Bush Camp
    March 2025
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    Narina Bush Camp - Addo Verblyf.