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Ligging & Kontak Besonderhede
Adres:Kezi Road, Matobo Hills, Matabeleland South, Zimbabwe
Kontak:Caron Waddy
Tel  :+27-21-9140966
Fax  :+27-21-9140966
Cell  :+27-82-5798811

Bladsy Statistieke
11277 besigtings sedert 22 Jun, 2010.
Laas opgedateer op 24 Jul, 2017.
First year listed on

Big Cave Camp reposes atop an enormous granite whaleback commanding inspirational views across the famous Matobo National Park. Sophisticated African architecture incorporates colossal boulders into a luxuriously appointed thatched lodge positioned amidst ancient Khoisan rock art.

Retire at a day's end to the natural rock-pool and sundeck, the Leopard's Lair lounge and bar, a cave-style boma for pre-dinner drinks or the popular lodge library. The seven thatched A-frame cottages, each with en-suite bathroom and private balcony, resonate African creative flair.

Find solitude within an intimate retreat as secluded as the original Kalanga grain bins that nestle amongst the rocks.

The design of the lodges is A-frame granite under thatch, which ensures they are cool in summer and warm in winter. The seven lodges each with en-suite bathroom and private balcony, resonate African creative flair. Included is a honeymoon suite as well as family rooms for those with small children.

The central living areas are set against a backdrop of massive boulders that form a part of the design of the structures. The Leopards Lair includes a teak bar, lounge and communal dining area. The adjacent library is a cosy retreat for those wishing to spend a quiet moment learning more about the history of the area.

Outside, the natural rock pool and sundeck is a cool contrast to the warm granites that surround the pool. Refuge can also be taken at midday in the nearby pool boma area where ice cold drinks are served.

History, culture, flora and fauna abound in the Matobo Hills. Guests choose from a wide variety of activities, accompanied by a qualified guide.

Game Viewing:
Big Cave borders the Matobo National Park, and game viewing is done both on the private property as well into the Whovi Game Park. Guests can choose to walk or view the game from open 4 wheeled drive vehicles to view, in particular, black and white rhino, amongst a wide variety of plains game.

Night drives on the Big Cave wilderness area can be enjoyed (depending on the time of the year) to view the nocturnal creatures of the Matobo Hills.

Bird Watching:
Matobo Hills boasts one of the highest concentrations of birds of prey anywhere in the world. Big Cave has several nesting sites on and adjacent to the property. The Black Eagle is one of the more majestic birds to grace the area, and other sort after species is the elusive Cape (Mackinder's) Eagle owl. Big Cave offers excellent opportunities for the bird watcher.

Cultural Activities:
Matobo Hills gained its World Heritage Status principally on the rich cultural diversity of this area. The Matobo Hills boasts one of the highest concentrations of rock art anywhere in the world. This ancient khoisan art can be viewed in the both the National Park and even within the immediate vicinity of Big Cave Camp. These famous rock art galleries can be visited on foot or by 4x4.

One of the more famous sites is Nswatugi cave, which is normally comined with a trip to Rhodes Grave, World's View, which is a beautiful drive through the Recreational Park.

Tours to the nearby Ndebele village and Whitewaters Secondary school provides an insight into the lives of the local people. The school in particular has been supported by guests of Big Cave Camp for many years. To date a library has been constructed, and school fees, science equipment, desks, chairs, sporting goods and building materials have been donated. In times of real hardship a guaranteed meal has also been provided for all the school children. In addition a number of children have had their education sponsored by guests of Big Cave Camp.

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Bladsy Statistieke
11277 besigtings sedert 22 Jun, 2010.
Laas opgedateer op 24 Jul, 2017.
First year listed on

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Big Cave Camp
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    3/12 - Catered Bush Lodge Accommodation in Matobo Hills, Zimbabwe
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