Bly Plekke Logo
  • 1 of 9
    1/9 - Small holding - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria
  • 2 of 9
    2/9 - Pool - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria
  • 3 of 9
    3/9 - Relaxing in front of rooms - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria
  • 4 of 9
    4/9 - Dining area - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria
  • 5 of 9
    5/9 - Lounge - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria
  • 6 of 9
    6/9 - Room one - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria
  • 7 of 9
    7/9 - Room two - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria
  • 8 of 9
    8/9 - Bath-room - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria
  • 9 of 9
    9/9 - Veranda - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria
  • 1 of 9
  • 2 of 9
  • 3 of 9
  • 4 of 9
  • 5 of 9
  • 6 of 9
  • 7 of 9
  • 8 of 9
  • 9 of 9
*Vanaf R425
Per persoon per nag (wat deel)
*Tariewe kan verskil volgens seisoen/aantal mense
 SPESIALE AANKONDIGING! Ontvang vroeë kennisgewings Wys Tariewe Beskikbaarheidskalender English
Ligging & Kontak Besonderhede
Adres:Plot 206, Graham Road, Tierpoort, Pretoria, South Africa
Kontak:Brunhilde Hambsch
Tel  :+27-12-8115017
Fax  :+27-86-6103125
Cell  :+27-72-6135806

Betalings Opsies
  • EFT / Bank Transfer EFT / Bank Transfer
  • Sorry, Credit cards not accepted Sorry, Credit cards not accepted
Eienaar Taalopsies
  • English
  • Afrikaans
  • German
Uitleg Slaapgeriewe
  • Double Room (Slaap 4) x 2
    • Slaapkamer 1 - twin
    • Slaapkamer 2 - twin
  • Unit with two sleeping quarters and bathroom with shower (Slaap 2) x 1
    • Slaapkamer 1 - single, single
Bladsy Statistieke
22952 besigtings sedert 06 Dec, 2012.
Laas opgedateer op 05 Apr, 2024.
First year listed on

Hildes B&B provides Bed & Breakfast Accommodation In Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria. Our bed and breakfast is on an 8.5 ha. small-holding off a tarred road.

Our modest but comfortable and clean B&B offers two double en-suite rooms. One has its own entrance and outside sitting area. There is a lapa and pool as well as barbeque facilities. There is safe parking on the premises.

Oliver Tambo Airport is about 40km drive from us. There is an observatory close by and our neighbours have a venue for conferences, weddings, etc.

There are many other venues in close proximate. Shops restaurants and movie houses are within a 20 km. radius. Kitty Hawk Airport is just around the corner. There you can take flying lessons or just go for a flip or sit and watch the antics of some of the pilots. Culinan, Bronkhorstbaai and the Sammy Marks Museum are an easy days outing.

Here one can amongst others go horse-riding, fishing, boating and just spend a day picnicking at the museum, the dam or at Nkwe , which is 10min. drive from us. Safari Garden Centre is a must see, where one can have a bite to eat whilst watching Koi fish and black swans on a dam.

We speak Afrikaans, English and German.

  • Kragopwekker
  • Wasgeriewe
  • Buite swembad
  • Parkering op die terrein
  • Tee / koffie fasiliteite
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Bladsy Statistieke
22952 besigtings sedert 06 Dec, 2012.
Laas opgedateer op 05 Apr, 2024.
First year listed on

Beskikbaarheids kalender

Hildes B&B
Slide calendar from left to right

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* Book Online
  • 1 of 9
    1/9 - Small holding - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria
  • 2 of 9
    2/9 - Pool - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria
  • 3 of 9
    3/9 - Relaxing in front of rooms - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria
  • 4 of 9
    4/9 - Dining area - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria
  • 5 of 9
    5/9 - Lounge - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria
  • 6 of 9
    6/9 - Room one - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria
  • 7 of 9
    7/9 - Room two - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria
  • 8 of 9
    8/9 - Bath-room - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria
  • 9 of 9
    9/9 - Veranda - Hildes B&B Tierpoort, south-east Pretoria




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